frequently asked questions

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Many patients complain that they dislike the way the light catches wrinkles in photos, the way make-up sits in the lines, or that they look older than they feel. Neuromodulators are versatile and can be used to help not only lines and wrinkles but also other concerns. Both can also be used for excessive sweating, jaw muscle/facial slimming, overactive muscles/dimpling (chin), nose lines, necklines, and more!

There are many brands of neuromodulators on the market and Lucy NP prefers Botox and Dysport. Neuromodulators are among the most popular aesthetic treatments offered.
The detailed consultation process will help answer your questions and alleviate your concerns.

Aesthetically trained Lucy NP will take the time to listen and develop a treatment plan which revolves around patient goals. You may need a series of treatments that will give you the best results.

On and off label use of neuromodulators include:

  • Between eyebrows
  • Forehead
  • Crows feet
  • Nose lines/bunny lines
  • Nose (nostril-flaring, tip droop)
  • Chin dimpling
  • Marionette area/downturned smile
  • Jawline
  • Neckbands
  • Neck horizontal lines
  • Combined with filler to glaze skin for smoothing effect
  • Lip lines
  • Lip flip
  • Sweaty palms, feet, underarms

Each patient will require a unique and personalized quantity to meet their aesthetic goals. The amount will vary depending on how much movement/wrinkles each patient has. Each company provides us with a guide to use for each treatment area, but often it will be adjusted per patient. A common amount of Botox to treat the upper face is about 50 units.

Dysport isn’t cheaper than Botox, but the units pricing is different. You will need more Dysport units than Botox, so it ends up being very close in pricing.

Every patient will be different in their needs for follow-up treatments. Most patients will require treatment every 3 months to maintain results.

Check out this short video about dermal fillers & skin injectors

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